
Why this website?

As a retired career microbiologist, I am fascinated by the beauty, the complexity and the importance of the micro-world. Microbiology and microbial ecology are pivotal areas of science for the 21st century.

Unfortunately, among the general public and even among many scientists, the level of education about microbes is poor because it has been learnt mainly from the general media. As it is, the media are much more likely to report stories of killer germs than to tell of the importance of microorganisms at all levels of the living world. We could not survive without the microorganisms!

In current biology studies, the photonic microscope is often neglected due to the present trend towards molecular biology. When required for advanced research, the microscopes have now become so complex that they are reserved for specialized staff.

Learning to use a good quality conventional microscope requires more skill and practice than is needed for running a PCR machine.

But this exercise is very rewarding and if my website can encourage some young and old students to take their microscope out of the cabinet, I would be delighted.

bacteria and mass media
insect cells
insect cells
MgSO4 (polarisation)
MgSO4 (polarisation)
arthrospores of Phragmotrichum chailletii (ascomycete)
arthrospores of Phragmotrichum chailletii (ascomycete)
Streptomyces violaceoruber (bacterium)
Streptomyces violaceoruber (bacterium)
loricae of chrysomonad
loricae of chrysomonad
nuclei of epithelial cells
nuclei of epithelial cells
Echiniscus sp. (tardigrade)
Echiniscus sp. (tardigrade)
sulphur-oxidizing bacteria (polarisation)
sulphur-oxidizing bacteria (polarisation)
bacteria with- and without- spores
bacteria with- and without- spores
spirogyra  (green algae)
spirogyra (green algae)
Achromatium oxaliferum (bacterium)
Achromatium oxaliferum (bacterium)
colonies of Bacillus subtilis  (bacterium)
colonies of Bacillus subtilis (bacterium)
A colony of an unidentified bacterium
A colony of an unidentified bacterium
Coleps hirtus (ciliate)
Coleps hirtus (ciliate)
Collotheca sp.
Collotheca sp.
Euplote  (ciliate)
Euplote (ciliate)
Haematococcus pluvialis
Haematococcus pluvialis
spirochaete (bacterium)
spirochaete (bacterium)
Bacteria with spores
Bacteria with spores
colony of Bacillus subtilis
colony of Bacillus subtilis

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